Royalty Free Music We Added

We applied to all of the production companies for the thumbs up on being able to use their music. We got denied by all the companies we asked. After getting declined we decided to go with royalty free music. We wanted to choose music that had a dark feeling but also had a mid pace. After searching for about 30 minutes me and Max found 2 samples that we thought were perfect. We download the songs and shared them with Andy on the google drive. He listened to them and thought they were greatly paced and perfect for our video. Considering we had everything else done for the video we were basically finished by now. All we had to do was add the music. But before we added it we had to choose which one of the 2 we would use. Both of the music tracks were dark and greatly paced. We ended up choosing one over the other because it was longer and it would fit our whole video. Me and Max told Andy which one we chose. He also thought this one was better. The final decision was settled. We added the music we chose and we were done. After this long process we had finally finished our opening sequence video. Thank you for going through this journey with me. Over this period of time I've learned things about filming and editing that I never new before and I'm glad that I was able to experience this project. Until next time, see ya.


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