Filming Zephyrhills commercials with the Boys

 Today me and my groupmates filmed our commercial. First we walked to the track. Then max the main character of our commercial ran 1 lap around the track to get sweaty. Then we filmed the first scene by making max sprint from place to place. Then we filmed the second scene of max being tired and crouching. Then we filmed him walking to his backpack and taking out a Dasani water bottle. While Andy was filming max in between scenes I was directing the whole thing and telling max what to do and where to do it. Then we filmed max drinking the Dasani water and quickly spitting it out because of his horrible taste. Then "god" flies down from the sky and gives max the holy Zephyrhills water. I played the role of "god". When we were filming the "god" part we did an upwards angle camera to act like "god" was coming down from the sky. Then we filmed me throwing the water to maximus and we cut another clip to him drinking it and pouring it over his head since it was so hot. Then we filmed him pointing the water to the camera to close out the commercial. During filming we tried to keep good vibes by making each other laugh. Andy filming with his steady hand was great. Maximus and I made a great performance. On the track we used the materials we had and made the best out of it. We moved a trash can to the middle of the football field. We used the trash can in a clip where we threw the Dasani water into it. Finally we packed up the laughs and walked back to the classroom and went to our next period.


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