
Showing posts from February, 2022

Script Planning

Scene 1   -Non-Diegetic Sound: Serious-ominous song plays throughout the scenes   -Diegetic Sound: Footsteps of the protagonist heard   -Lighting: dark, gray lighting from the clouds   -Protagonist (Voiceover) : It’s been half a year since the tragedy. I’ve been training myself from that whole time, hardcore training, non-stop determination, all for the sake of revenge .   Scene 2   -The viewers are shown flashbacks to the life that the protagonist had, with his loving family.   -The color grading of the scene is in an old-grainy look , to show the long time it has been.   -Protagonist (Voiceover) : Every passing time, every passing day, I always miss them. Their innocent faces, their fragile selves, they didn’t deserve this.   Scene 3   -The scene is then transitioned into the protagonist finding their dead family when arriving to them.   -Protagonist (Voiceover): I will never, ever, forget that vision. It’s been stuck in my hea...

Title Design Planning

The opening credits of our film will appear in the Algerian font, they will come in on black lines that go across the screen. Some of the credits will be embedded in the setting, like knives, guns (PROP), etc.   Our working title is Vengeance. We believe it relates to the story deeply since the definition of the word is "punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong" which relates to our story of a soldier exacting revenge.    It will be in Algerian font, bolded, and all caps. We would show you what the title looks like but blogger doesn't support the font, here's an example of it without the cool addition font stuff:  VENGEANCE.   The titles will come up on the screen along the lines, it will be red on black, symbolizing blood being spilt. Titles will disappear between 1-3 seconds, depending on the importance of the information. The main title however, will appear after the opening scene is shown, zooming in slowly and then havi...